The other morning I was hungry and decided to stop by Dunkin' Doughnuts for coffee and a toasted sesame bagel with cream cheese. As I pulled in looked over to the drive thru and noticed the cars were stacked 4-5 deep and they didn't look like they were going anywhere. So, I decided to go inside (I am not a huge drive thru fan). Once inside I notice that all of the employees had long, sad faces . . . the kind you get after working a double shift. Even the manager looked like she didn't want to be there. Not one person had a smile on their face. It caused me to think about how the end of their day would look, since this was only 6:55 a.m.

So often we forget that as Christ-followers we have every reason to smile. Psalm 47 encourages us to get excited about the life that we have because God is AWESOME! It calls us to clap our hands (and I'm not thinking that quite little golf clap) and shout for joy. When was the last time you got up out of bed and gave a good cheer for the day God gave you? Like most, we probably dread the morning (especially without a cup of coffee) and the opportunities it brings. It is always easier when you have something to look forward to.
If we could only see the big picture of what is in store for us in the end. When we let God order our days, better yet, our lives we can live the "good life." Days are easier to get through when there is something to look forward to getting or doing that we love. When I know that a vacation is coming soon, going to the office is easy. The best attended day of the week in any company is payday! We love to look forward to the good things in life. That is why I love what the psalmist has us stop and consider in Psalm 47:4. That verse tells us that God "chose our inheritance for us" and then ends the verse with selah (stop and think about that).
Knowing that God has chosen an inheritance for us is so exciting. God has so many good things for us to get in this life and in the life to follow. The Israelites were promised an inheritance under Abraham. Moses was called by God in the burning bush to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land of Canaan. Moses and all of the adults over twenty never got their inheritance. It was Joshua that got to march victorious into Canaan and claim the inheritance God had promises. Why? What happened to Moses' generation that kept them from claiming victories. When they were on the verge of entering the Promised Land, the chose not to follow God and His plan. Fear kept them from following. Living the "good life" means letting God have control.
God has chosen our inheritance. He wants to gives us victories and blessings beyond anything we can imagine. In order to claim the prize though, you have to be willing for follow God and give Him control. The victory has already been secured. Just follow God into the winners circle to get your inheritance. He's picked a great one out for you. Lets be followers of God and give Him total control over our lives.
If we could only see the big picture of what is in store for us in the end. When we let God order our days, better yet, our lives we can live the "good life." Days are easier to get through when there is something to look forward to getting or doing that we love. When I know that a vacation is coming soon, going to the office is easy. The best attended day of the week in any company is payday! We love to look forward to the good things in life. That is why I love what the psalmist has us stop and consider in Psalm 47:4. That verse tells us that God "chose our inheritance for us" and then ends the verse with selah (stop and think about that).
Knowing that God has chosen an inheritance for us is so exciting. God has so many good things for us to get in this life and in the life to follow. The Israelites were promised an inheritance under Abraham. Moses was called by God in the burning bush to lead his people out of slavery in Egypt and into the Promised Land of Canaan. Moses and all of the adults over twenty never got their inheritance. It was Joshua that got to march victorious into Canaan and claim the inheritance God had promises. Why? What happened to Moses' generation that kept them from claiming victories. When they were on the verge of entering the Promised Land, the chose not to follow God and His plan. Fear kept them from following. Living the "good life" means letting God have control.
God has chosen our inheritance. He wants to gives us victories and blessings beyond anything we can imagine. In order to claim the prize though, you have to be willing for follow God and give Him control. The victory has already been secured. Just follow God into the winners circle to get your inheritance. He's picked a great one out for you. Lets be followers of God and give Him total control over our lives.
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