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Showing posts from January, 2018

Fires, Lights, Barriers, and Superman. . . Encouragement for Difficult Days

     Have you ever had one of those days where you wished you had never gotten out of bed?  Those days come for everyone (like that is encouraging), but how we make it through those days is totally up to each of us.  John Maxwell tells us in his book, The Winning Attitude , that "our attitude determines our altitude."  You know he is right, but sometimes you want to ask guys like him, "Have you been through a day like mine?".  I can't really answer that question, but a guy named David helps us with our struggles.        David wasn't always king and things weren't always easy for him.  Sure we all know about his Goliath situation, but if you looked into David's life it would seem like a mess.  He was anointed to be king in his teen years, but had to wait for God to remove Saul.  In the mean time, Saul made David's life difficult to say the least.  He was the most wanted man in his home country, as wel...