Hate . What an ugly word! But so much of our world today is filled with it. I am facing an awkward dilemma about honesty and hate. Before I go any farther, I want to be fair to those in my past who have been mentors, teachers, and had any kind of impact. I deeply appreciate all that was taught and modeled for me. Also, I do not hold any of those people responsible for what I am about to confess. This is not a lay blame on someone else rant. With that said, I must come clean and admit to a life that has been filled with hate. Some where, some how though I know I didn't go to any instructional classes or seminars on this, I grew up learning to hate. By now you have to be wondering, "Hate what?" I don't really know if I could finish the answer to that question in one blog. It certainly would take a great deal of time to state all of the possibilities. ...
Learning to Please God with a life that doesn't always want to do just that.