It has been a long time since I last wrote. I have often intended to, but never took the time to just write. There have been many things on my mind that I have really wanted to write about, but maybe the most pressing is on the thought of value. In an economically challenged world, value has become hugely important. Our lives have become inundated with practicality and productivity. No longer do we take the time to live, laugh, and love. Value is given to everything, and unfortunately value drives our visions and goals. Our time and more often our sanity is sacrificed doing things that we believe bring value to our lives in hope that we will achieve some level of worth that will make us satisfied with our lives. One of the biggest questions of Jesus was, "What profit (value) does a man have if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?" [Paraphrase] Something we all...
Learning to Please God with a life that doesn't always want to do just that.